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My Social Media Day Fail. Sorry that I am human. #smday

#venting – I’m mad but motivated. Lots to do tonight. No SEO or #smday meetup for me. Enjoy your evening. #focusWed Jun 30 21:30:08 via TweetDeck

Yes was not the best day I’ve had in my life nor was it the worse but it wasn’t one I wanted to write home to mom about either. It started off well, I was in a good mood. I responded to some emails, did some client work, wrote a blog post about my awesome NC friends who are making moves in Social Media. Then I had lunch at Golden Corral @GC_Cary with @TriOut sales manager Gregg Morris @greggvm as it was the last day for their 1/2 off check-in special. After that I had another meeting and a few places to attend.

Oh yeah, yesterday was Social Media Day, June 30 and I was planning to attend the Raleigh Social Media Day event. It was being planned by Niki Staehle @marketing_grrl. I was one of the first to sign-up to say I wanted to attend and somewhere along the line the Raleigh Social Media day event went from being a social like a lot of the other Social Media Day events to an event with presentations and was moved to Lillington, NC at ampbell University Lundy-Fetterman @campbelledu, about an 45 minute drive from Raleigh. Nevertheless I’m was planning to attend and speak to talk about location-based marketing. I was looking forward to the meetup as I’ve never been to Lillington or Campbell University before.

After I wrapped up my daytime plans, I came home to prep a little for the Social Media Day presentation. But then things started to go down hill from there. A major headache came, I wasn’t feeling well, my energy level went form an 8 to a 4. On top of that team @TriOut confirmed we were going to launch our TriOut For business platform today. I sat down for a short break and said I can do this. But after the break, I was still feeling like crap and decided to send @marketing_grrl a Facebook message saying I couldn’t attend around 5:00 P.M. The meetup started at 8:00 P.M.

It really upset me to send the message and if anyone who knows me, especially in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area knows that I have no problem driving to a meetup whether it’s an hour away or not. I have even attended two meetups in one night before. Regardless, I didn’t attend this one or any of the other Social Media Day events. To Niki great job planning the event, from the looks of it, it was one of the most attended Social Media Day meetups in NC. I extremely apologize for not attending but the way I was feeling along with other projects, I’m not sure how well I would have done at presenting and if I would have attended, I would have did my presentation and left right afterwards.

Later in the evening before calling it a night, I checked @Twitter and read two tweets about me not attending. One was from @redmetlabox and the other from @sengland. I’m not sure if I’ve met the @redmetalbox before but I think I’ve met @sengland at a recent WordCamp. Regardless one tweet was about me not attending and having a question prepared to ask. The other was saying they were disappointed and I let them down big time. To the both of you, again I’m sorry. As I stated earlier, yesterday wasn’t the best day in the world. Maybe to many #vampiremode nights. Regardless I did not want to back out of the Social Media day event and, I was asked to attend a few more events and didn’t attend those either. If I could make it up to you both I would or just let me know.

I’m not sure what the over all expectations of the event were or how the conversations went that evening about me not attending. Regardless, it was Social Media Day so I hope everyone focused on Social Media. Either way if Campbell University would like to have an event or host a meetup to discuss Social Media, I’ll make up for it, just let me know.

To Niki Staehle @marketing_grrl great job planning the Raleigh Social Media Day meetup. I hate letting people down and not attending the meetup. Sorry that I am human.