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Social Media Challenge Report: #Duke vs #UNC. The @ScoutLabs results are in.


Yesterday was the big game between Duke and UNC and I’m sure you know by now that Duke won the game and I lost a Twitter bet. Just take a look at my Twitter background to see ugly Duke icons everywhere. It’s a sad day as a UNC fan but lets see how well did UNC fans do in the “Social Media Challenge”. The challenge was basically to see which team had more conversions on Twitter and other social web outlets. To measure the results I reached out to Scout Labs, and Sysomos to provide the data. Also Crimson Hexagon sent me an email about helping out too. So not only are we looking at a Duke vs. UNC social web report but a comparison of social media analytics platforms. Up first is Scout Labs.

Scout Labs is a powerful, web-based application that finds signals in the noise of social media to help teams build better products and stronger customer relationships.

24hr Volume graph: UNC vs Duke on blogs, forums, news and Twitter:
UNC vs Duke across the blogosphere

Twitter Volume peaks for #Duke and #UNC
24 hour volume graph

Share of Voice for Twitter: #duke vs #unc
Duke takes share of voice

Quotes from fans of both sides from across the web. Unique Scout Labs feature.

So it looks like UNC lost the Social Media Challenge too. A big thanks to Scout Labs and the entire team for the report and I’m looking forward to working with the team more in the future. You can follow @ScoutLabs on twitter or visit their web site: for more information about their social media analytics platform. As soon as I have the data from theĀ other two platforms I’ll post them here.

Still, Go Heels!