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Video: Dr. Jim Goodnight CEO of SAS on cloud computing, iPad, social media analytics & more. #SGF10


Yesterday at the SAS Global Forum in Seattle Washington, SAS launched their SAS Social Media Analytics product along with other announcements on the company’s products and culture. The SAS Global Forum is the world’s largest gathering of SAS users, attended by more than 3,000 business and IT users of SAS software and solutions. During the forum I had chance to interview SAS’s CEO Dr. Jim Goodnight along with a other members of the press. Watch the interview below as Dr. Jim Goodnight discussed his thoughts on Cloud Computing, SAS’s new social media analytics product, handling data, the iPad and being named number one company to work for in the USA.

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis, SAS Social Media Analytics | SAS
I have more post on SAS Social Media Analytics product coming soon.

*Disclosure”SAS invited me to their SAS Global Forum user event as their guest to attend the launch of SAS Social Media Analytics. They paid my airfare, hotel and conference registration fees and gave me access to the product for evaluation.”