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Launching the “The Check-In” a premium geo/location content newsletter

Strategy, insights and reactions from the geo/location-based industry for business, small and large. Sent once a month with bonus messages. Just $2.99 a month.

You can sign-up here:

Why $2.99 ?
Because “The Check-in” will offer premium content and research not featured on

How often and when?
“The Check-in” will be emailed once a month. The first email will be sent on Tuesday, January 18, 2011.

Can you repost content sent in the “The Check-in”?
Not without permission.

What if I don’t want to a pay?
Then join my free newsletter here:

Will there be ads in your newsletters?
The free newsletter: Yes, via sponsors.
The Check-in: No

If you have any additional questions feel free to email me at info at or leave a comment below.