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Only 1 Percent of Web Visits Comes from Social Media?

From  Marketing Pilgrim: Under 1 Percent of Web Visits Comes from Social Media

In yet another attempt to measure social media ROI, ForeSee developed their “Social Media Value Benchmark,” which ranks web visitors based on how the customer came to the site, how much they spent, how they felt about the experience and whether they’re likely to return.

ForeSee’s initial results, after surveying nearly 300,000 consumers, is that people who were influenced by social media spend more and are more satisfied and loyal customers than those who aren’t influenced by social media.



Interesting report, a few thoughts I have about it are:

1. 300,000 survey results are not an accurate enough number when you have over 1,9 Billion internet users world wild. Also to put the  300,000 number in prospective, it has been reported that 300,000 people join twitter everyday.

2.  Regardless of the number, I could see some part of the results being accurate with so many companies marketing their url or twitter profile vs a companies url.

Basically if you’re not seeing an increase in web site visits/traffic from using social media, you’re doing it wrong especially if that’s your goal.