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Notes: Triangle Web Analytics Group meeting on Social Media Measurement

Web Analytics Wednesday | Web Analytics Demystified | Audience Measurement and Web Site Analysis Consulting

About the Triangle Web Analytics meeting on Social Media Measurement:
The meeting will feature a Panel Discussion on Social Media Measurement featuring panelists Nathan Gilliatt of Social Target, Jeff Cohen of, and Dave Harrell of Dave Harrell Advertising, moderated by Adam Covati, creator of and opens at 5:30 and the Panel Discussion will start at 6:00, followed by social / networking. This event is a chance to meet and network with web/online analytics professionals in the Triangle.

My Notes:
1. Defining social media & social media measurement
a. Blogs, wikis, social networks
b. Social Media Measurement:  Listening, monitoring,

2. Where do you draw the line between monitoring and measuring:
a. you must have a goal
b. web analytics are actions – monitoring what people are saying
c. the web gives you more tangible information on monitoring and measuring
d. Goal: not to have a big spike in traffic when you 1st start but have a goal to maintaining traffic

3. Thoughts on measuring goals of social media vs print and traditional web analytics
a. if you do social media right, it’s not “marketing'”, customer service but it’s everything about the goals of your company
b. monitoring the engagement, conversations, does the engagement lead to sells
c. make sure you can tie your social activity to some sort of marketing measurement
d. What is the pulse of the brand when using social engagement/ marketing and where it ends at a bottom line
e. It’s tough for people to see the value of social media

4. How do you measure influence
a. be aware of your goals of who you are trying to reach and content being posted. (videos, tags, links,)
b. influence = people who can make an action happen
c. What is your campaign trying to accomplish
d. Debate: trying to reach the people vs trying to market your message
e. You can measure influence and anything online

5. Anyone using Facebook trying to drive businesses to consumer (B2C) sales
a. Using Facebook for email opt-in
b. Facebook activity leading to brand awareness that leads to sales

6. Should social media analytics and web analytics be meshed together and why
a. yes, but not to many people are doing it.
b. social media measurement are meshed in with marketing and customer service

7. Thoughts on Radian6 compared to other free tools for social media monitor
a. Radian6 is a paid platform that has done a good job at branding themselves as the leader in the space
b. other tools: scout labs, filtrbox
c. Free tools are better for monitoring and measuring
d. Commercials tools do more monitoring than measuring

8. What are other social media distractions
a. Twitter, Facebook
b. What are your thoughts of organizations posting content on Facebook without any interaction
c. Make sure your goals go both ways
d. It’s hard to measure the success of other companies social media campaigns
e. The question is does the content you’re posting work good for your customers.
f. Social Networks can be great sales tools just as long as that you’re not selling
g. Regardless of the reports, find out what works best for your customers/audience

9. Why do we see a difference in social engagement between large brands and small companies
a. People connect with people and not big name brands (sometimes)

10. Interacting with Acer netbooks on Facebook
a. Customer looking for netbooks and watching customers share information when people ask questions.
b. Acer uses word of mouth marketing on Facebook with their fan page

11. Social Marketing has been the hot topic but what next?
a. More of the same, “social business”
b. Mobile use, QR codes
c. Companies will act as a filter and use apis to filter information so their employees can measure
d. Is the media business going out of business
e. location based tools
f. Make sure what you are doing is measurable

12. Transparency has gone up in the social space, you don’t really control it vs contribute to it.
a. At the end of the day , your brand is less about what you do than more of what your customer does.
b. FTC rules for bloggers will increase transparency


What are your thoughts on my notes and Social Media Measurement?