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Coming Soon! 4 New Location Based iPhone apps by minority founders with awesome landing pages, +1

In October of last year while speaking at the Blogalicious conference I bumped into James Andrews, founder of Social People.TV. Both of us were speaking at the conference and had a quick moment to catch up. James, busy traveling and working with celebrity clients discussing social media strategies and I spent most of last year speaking about location-based marketing, apps and TriOut. James also knows Tristan Walker who manages business development at foursquare and we both smiled at the fact that two minorities are very active and visible in the location based startup space.

Fast forward to the end of quarter one of 2011 and four new minority founded location based iPhone applications are prepping to establish their own footprint in the space. Each one with a unique location based twist and with an awesome landing page design. I’m truly excited to see more minority entrepreneurs go after their dreams and launch a startup no matter if it’s in the location space or not. I wish each one of them much success. Here are the four minority founded location based apps coming soon.



change the way you experience location”

founder – Angela Benton
url –



Mosion is a mobile relationship discovery service that uses location-based technology to introduce you to people that you really ought to know.

founder – Wesly Michel
url –



Let them know you’ve arrived
founder – Clarence Wooten
url –



Create, share, and discover toours
founder – Jessica Faye Carter
url –


As for the +1 it’s Aaron Bannister who I got a chance to meet at SXSW 2011 and was recently covered on Black Web 2.0 about his location based startup called locaii. Locaii provides a way for you to interact with others while at your favorite places.

Regardless if you apart of the minority tech bubble, I think you should check out all five of the location based apps. If you’re aware of other minority founded location based apps let me know in the comments.

Which iPhone app above are you excited to see launch the most?