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New Facebook Profiles are ready for you to like. How to upgrade yours.

Tonight Mark Zuckerberg was on 60 minutes, announcing a few updates about the Facebook platform and a look at Mark’s growth as a successful entrepreneur running the social networking site. During the interview Mark announced that Facebook is rolling out new Facebook profile pages. The new Facebook profiles features a snapshot of who you are, a new section that shows common interest with your friends and a way for you to group your friends by relationships. The tagline for the new Facebook profiles says “Now with more ways to show and tell your story.”

If you want to upgrade your Facebook profile you can visit and click on the “Get the New Profile” button.

new facebook pofile page

For more on the new Facebook Profile pages you can watch The New Facebook Profile introduction video below.

You can see a screenshot of my updated Facebook profile below or click on the badge below to see the new Facebook profile on Facebook.

Facebook (4) | Wayne Sutton

Wayne Sutton | Create Your Badge

If you watched the 60 minutes interview what did you think of Mark Zuckerberg? Are you going to upgrade to the new Facebook profile or wait until Facebook forces you to?