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10 new QR Code generators with analytics to bridge the mobile social online offline worlds and increase consumer engagement


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To say QR Codes are taking off is an understatement despite some calling QR Codes old technology and everyone not seeing the value of using them. But with the growing number of smartphone use and mobile marketing, QR Code campaigns from major brands, movie posters, jewelry companies and consumer products, tons of QR Code case studies are being created.

SPARQCode | Connect n' Share

Yesterday TechCrunch posted an article about a new social profile QR Code platform called SPARQCodes. “SPARQCodes can contain any type of content such as websites, phone numbers, addresses and invoke any app on your mobile phone.” Sounds familiar right? SPARQcodes are using QR codes to increase mobile engagement. While the use of QR Codes to add a website, phone number and other content is not new but with SPARQ Codes it links to your Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Urbanspoon, Foursquare and Gowalla locations. Smart! It’s one of those simple ideas and it’s good for stores that would like to increase mobile engagement while promoting their social profiles at the same time by having customers scan their QR Codes. Especially since most of the time you’ll only see a Twitter, Facebook or Foursquare window cling on stores causing the user to search for profiles. Now all they have to do is scan a QR Code. It’s something similar we build into TriOut. With TriOut a business can create a quick check-in QR codes that allow customers to scan and check into Facebook, Foursquare and Gowalla at the same time.

Still there’s an increasing amount of QR Code generator platforms being launched. In September I wrote a post called 8 QR Code Generators that provide analytics/tracking. Here are 11 new QR Code Generators with analytics to bridge the mobile social online offline worlds and increase consumer engagement.

1. likify – Generate Facebook likes using QR Code

2. BeQRious – A robost QR Code campgina and trackign platform

3. Good Survey – Use QR COde for market research in documents

4. OK QR ME – Mirascape QR Code Generator – Generate a QR Code; get real-time stats on who is scanning it and where.

5. Jumpscan – JumpScan combines all your contact and social media information for quick, on-the-go sharing.

6. itsmyurls – Put your complete online presence on one QR code

7. SPARQcode See above

8. – URL shortener and QR code generator rolled into one.

9. deliver – Delivr generates a QR Code for each mobile-friendly URL.

10. wikkit – Creates Create, Sell, and Scan tickets to any event with QR Codes

Also since the post in September both Google ( and have added the ability to create QR Codes using their url shortener platforms.

As you can see there are various ways to create a QR Code and receive tracking on who’s scanning, how often a QR Code is scanned, the location where the QR Code was scanned and more. But remember, just adding a QR Code to a website, poster, window cling or other marketing material should be clearly thought out and planned to receive maximum benefits.

Are you using QR Codes for marketing?