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3 ways to optimize your wordpress blog for any smartphone

A few days ago @Julio on twitter asked me:Me_normal J3V: @waynesutton quick question.. how did you optimize your wordpress blog for iphone and ipod touch?

My responsoe was that I use WPTouch mobile plugin made by Brave New Code and Alex King’s WordPress Mobile Edition plugin.  But I forgot to mention MoFuse which also allows you to create a mobile version of your blog and is not limited to just wordpress.  Here’s a quick look at what your WordPress blog would look like using the two plugins and Mofuse.

1 .
WPtouch: Mobile Plugin + Theme for WordPress ? BraveNewCode Inc.WPTouch mobile plugin

Talk Social News mobile

2. README | WordPress Mobile Edition plugin

mobile social wayne

3. MoFuse: Create a Mobile Website, Mobile Site Builder, .mobi Compliant

30threads mobile

If you’re looking for a solution to create a mobile website separate from your blog, you may want to try:  Create a Mobile Website - Mobile Site Builder - Mobile Community - Mobile Chat - Mobilize Your Blog - dotMobi Compliant - QR Code - mobileOK - Winksite WinkSite “Winksite is the first standards-compliant mobile Website builder that also includes RSS-driven content deployment and mobile-tuned community features such as forum, chat, and polls.” from

or zinandoo

How do you optimize your blog for smartphones?