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The 8 roles of location based marketing

For the record: There are no location-based experts. Everyone is learning. Brands are testing, agencies talking ROI & Devs. continue to codeThu Dec 02 18:54:02 via CoTweet

Yesterday I posted the tweet “For the record: There are no location-based experts. Everyone is learning. Brands are testing, agencies talking ROI & Devs. continue to code“. I was venting a little but the tweet reminded me of a slide in my Location Based Marketing in 2010 presentation from June of this year. The slide was a list of roles in location-based marketing. Here’s an update and description on the 8 roles in location based marketing.


The Location-based startup / app / company

The location-based startup creates mobile applications that allow users to check into location, search for nearby businesses, content, deals or information. The Location-based startup can allow users to see their friends check-ins, upload photos, videos, write recommendations, reviews or tips for everyone to see.

The Agency

To role of the agency in location-based marketing is to educate clients about various location-based applications, how they can be used with existing promotions or new marketing campaigns that will be valuable for both the business and the consumer. Other roles of the agency is to make sure their clients offer value deals/specials to customers in return of checking in. Also the agency works with brands/businesses to create various online and offline marketing strategies align with have access to location-based services dashboards to monitor the checkins.

The Business or Brand

The role of the a business and/or brand in location-based marketing is to create a valuable deal, special or reward for both the business and the consumer that increase sales, customer retention, word of mouth or social media presence, page views or highlight feature product and services.

The mobile location-based application user / consumer

The role of the a mobile application user is to take advantage of location based promotions, let their friends know where they’re at, write reviews about location, share their experience while at a location by posting photos/videos or use location-based services as a discovery engine to decide where they want to go.The check-in cheaterThe mobile user who uses location-based apps to check into places they are not physically at or close to. The check-in cheater may check into 10 places in 5 minutes or check into a location just to earn a badge or try to win a prize, coupon or something free while not at that location.

The location-based expert.

There are none. Although Foursquare & Dodgeball cofounder Dennis Crowley and Loopt cofounder Alok Deshpande have been in the geo mobile location space since 2005/06, they could be considered as location-based experts but both are more known as entrepreneurs. Others users who have been using location based apps for at least 3 years or launched their own location-based startup could go into this category too, but with all the excitement around location-based services it is too early to call someone a location-based expert. Location-based applications shouldn’t be treated as social media but as a feature and/or additional channel. The entire location industry is evolving as with the Gowalla news announced yesterday.

The fanboy

Check-in everywhere, collect badges, points, joins societies, try to look cool and eat/drink for free by being the mayor or key holder or duke.

The apathetic

This person who doesn’t’ care about checking in, allowing their friends know where they’re at and thinks location-based services are just a big waste of time and have very little or no value. They may use the a location-based application only if a brand or store offers a coupon they find valuable.

What category do you fit in and/or did I leave out?