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Location based apps by the numbers & the month @FourSquare passed them all, but why?

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As we get closer to 2010 one of the items I’m sure you have read on probably every end of the year predictions post is that location based apps are going to be big in 2010. Locations based apps are not new for example, Brightkite has been around since 2005 and was clearly growing as one of the leaders in the location based market. I’m not sure who came next but soon to launch was Whrrl, Loopt, and now we have Gowalla and Foursquare. Foursquare has been all of the buzz latley and by looking at the numbers they’re on one roller coster ride up the vistors chart.

I was told in August is when they switch domains from to but regardless from September to now Foursquare their traffic growth has been amazing. Moving into 2010 not only Foursquare but all of the location based apps will have tons of competition with new apps launching such as stalqer, nextstop, TriOut. I’m sure more to launch in 2010 as looking back on a 2008 post from Read Write Web saying Location-Based Social Networking to Generate $3.3 Billion by 2013.

Besides all of the buzz as being labeled as the next Twitter by the early adopters and social media enthusiast what do think is the reason for Foursquare recent growth?