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iPhone 3G S Apple Store launch coverage from Raleigh, NC – Year 3

Apple Store

I’m sure by now you know what today is, iPhone 3G S launch day and for the third year in a row I was able to catch up with an old friend and take some pictures/videos of the Apple Store opening plus the hundreds standing in line for the iPhone. When I arrived, I saw Ashton, who for three years in a row now has been first in line to buy the iPhone at the Apple Store in Crabtree Valley Mall. I first met Ashton in 2007 when he purchased the 1st generation iPhone and I was able to take this picture of him, which has been viewed over 5,000 times on flickr and I was recently told it may the first picture of a consumer with the first generation iPhone on the web.

Asthon first in line at the Appe Store 2007
Ashton with his iPhone, Raleigh, NC first in line

Fast forward three years later, Ashton and I make our yearly routine of meeting at the Apple Store on iPhone launch day and as normal he’s first in line. I must say this year’s iPhone activation seems to have went a lot smother than last years. Ashton walked in the Apple store, told the employee he wanted a white iPhone and it was purchased and activated in about 15 minutes versus the 8 plus hours he spent in the store last year. Then in about another 15 minutes Ashton had his iPhone 3G S synced with his contacts, music and photos loaded. Great job this year by the Raleigh Apple Store team. Also it was interesting to see others who were buying the iPhone 3G S talk about what color they were buying. Most seem to have purchased the white iPhone 3G S 16 GB version, especially if they had purchased a black iPhone last year.

Asthon first in line at the Appe Store 2008
Asthon 1st in line at apple store for iphone launch

Asthon first in line at the Appe Store 2009
Apple Store

For those of you who are waiting to purchase an iPhone 3G S, I recommend coming in later today to avoid the line and I’m almost sure they won’t run out of iPhones. If you reserved your iPhone you have until today to come pick it up. Below are some more videos and photos from the iPhone 3G S launch at the Raleigh Apple Store in Crabtree Valley Mall.

Apple Store opening for iPhone 3Gs

Test video uploaded from iPhone 3G S to youtube.

The line waiting to enter Apple Store for iPhone 3G S
Apple Store

The Apple Store iPhone 3G S activation station area:
Apple Store

For a hands on review of the iPhone 3G S, see today’s episode of Talk Social News recorded from the Apple Store today here -> Hands on iPhone 3G S review & more AT&T upgrade fail news – episode 060

Did you stand in line for the iPhone 3G S or are you going to wait?

Is this your first iPhone if you purchased an iPhone 3G S today?

I went to meet some friends in line a few hours later at the Apple Store. The line is still long and it’s a slow process to get everyone into the store because Apple won’t let you leave without the phone being activated.

@ginnyskal & @mammalpants in waiting line
Panera Bread

@Kitch with his new iPhone 3G S
Apple Store