While reading my RSS feeds in Google Reader I came across this interesting infographic made by by infographiclabs for blogharlad about the state of the blogsphere in 2010. Here are a few highlights from the infographic:
7 of the Top 10 blogs are tech related.
- The Huffington Post
- TechCrunch
- Gizmodo
- Mashable
- Gawker
- Engadget
- The Daily Beast
- TMZ.com
- Boing Bong
- ReadWriteWeb
67% of bloggers are male while 33% are female
The top two age groups are between 25-34 and 35-44
48% of blogs are from the US
Most people update their blog 2-3 times a week or at least once a week
72% of bloggers are hobbyists while 4% are considered pros
Blogpulse.com via 146,628,598 blogs
Via: Infographiclabs and blogherald
What are you thoughts on the infographic? Do you fell like the data is accurate? What surprised you?