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I’m On The Road To The 2012 NCAA Final Four In New Orleans with Buick

Over the past few years I’ve been lucky enough to participate in a few major events. In 2010 I attended the Oscars with Kodak where I saw Steve Jobs and nearly feel out the bleachers yelling at him. Later in 2010 I worked with Ford to cover the Mustang 1000 lap challenge at Bristol Motor Speedway where I drove on the track and rode with NASCAR driver David Ragan. In 2011 lived in a house with seven other entrepreneurs in Mountain View, CA, where CNN filmed us for Black In America 4 that was watched by millions of viewers. Those experiences along with realizing that I think I have check into with foursquare more startups since 2009 than anyone else, I’m a lucky/blessed guy.

While all those experiences have been great it’s also been a lot of work. Still, with that being said my next major experience to add to the list will be attending the NCAA Final Four in New Orleans with Buick. Yes, the big dance! I’m extremely excited about the opportunity and can mark another item off the bucket list. Not only will I’ll be attending the games but attending dinners, special community events and meeting some high profile individuals. Also I’ll be driving a shinny new 2012 Buick Verano! The one I’ll be driving will be red.

Expect to see updates here on, photos via instagram (WayneSutton) to Facebook, twitter, and look for Google+ updates too.

I can’t thank Buick enough. Myself along with one of my business partners Hajj Flemings will be attending with Buick. You can also follow the twitter hashtags #BuickNCAA, #BracketTown, #NOLA, #NCAA, #FinalFour for updates too.

This is not a sponsored post but I’ll be receiving some free access to events and hotel stay while working with Buick.

Today I’m in CA, tomorrow I’ll be officially on the road to the Final Four!