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I Just Completed 10 days of Meditation with Headspace App

After doing some self reflection in late 2012 I started practicing meditation. That along with many nights at the gym for all of 2013 helped me along the way on my journey of self improvement. Since 2014 then I’ve been on and off again meditating. The same can be said about the gym but I’m working on being more consistent and using a couple of apps to help me along the way.

For meditation I’m a big fan of website and app. When I visited NC a couple of weeks ago I used the calm app to meditate with my son Micah. He’s 3 1/2. After reading my friend Stacy aka the Zen Girl‘s
morning routine post I decided to give the HeadSpace app a try.


Headspace focuses on guided meditation lead by Andy Puddicombe. The first ten days of the app are clear, focused a lot on breathing along with some animated visuals to help you process the upcoming sessions. The app is very well done and subscription based after the first ten sessions. My biggest con of the app is I wanted a female voice and I don’t feel justified paying the subscription when there are so many other great meditation apps available. Still if you’re just starting out, give headspace a try.

My girlfriend Melinda uses Insight Timer to meditate. I’m going to give it a try for the next ten days and see how I feel.


I’ll post more on my fitness apps in another post.

Do you use an app for meditation if so let me know in the comments.
