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How to introduce yourself when making cold calls & emails to build valuable relationships

flickr photo by By marc falardeau

I guess this is a good/bad problem to have but since the Black In America 4 showing on CNN, emails and phones have been flowing in like crazy. A lot from entrepreneurs pitching their ideas, or entrepreneurs looking for a designer, developer or just help get started (See NewME Community for help) . Other calls and emails have been from people wanting to know more about NewME Accelerator. A few have been from investors or Venture Capitalist and then there are the feedback calls and emails saying you should do this or that. In the mix of it all, there’s national media, local media, and niche media such as blog talk radio shows, podcast and more. I’m humbled and grateful to be put in the postion by NewME Accelerator and CNN.

Sadly, I can’t handel it all alone. I need a virtual assistant or something, but in the mean time I’ve changed my voice message saying please send an email for a faster response. Please don’t see this as an insult or a “I’m to busy” but just the truth. As an entrepreneur myself I don’t have set hours and I plan on keeping my phone number and email address public on this site but that doesn’t mean you should call at 2:30 AM EST and expect me to answer or at 7:30pm EST all of the time. My voice message says please send an email and I’m serious.

When you do send an email, please include the following information:

  • Name:
  • Company/Startup Name:
  • Company/Startup Website:
  • linkedin profile:
  • Twitter: profile:
  • Blog URL:
  • Angel List profile (optional and for investors)
  • The ask? (keep it simple and short)
  • Deadline (if you’re on one)
  • Mobile number:
  • Work Number:
  • Best time to call back in the next three days if necessary.
  • If you’re media/press please put in the subject (MEDIA/Press)

If you must leave a voice message please leave the following:

  • Name:
  • Company/Startup Name:
  • Email address:
  • Phone number:
  • The ask? (keep it simple and short)
  • Deadline day (if you’re on one)
  • Best time to call back in the next three days.
  • If you’re media/press please state deadline time.

I’m not sure if this helps anyone but please don’t leave an angry voice message when you are making a cold call and I have no idea who you are or what you have done or what your company does or what you can offer or even if I can help you.

Let’s keep it professional, friendly and keep it moving.

Much Success!