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How to pitch a startup – Be really good or really outrageous?

Going back to my startup weekend days, reading about Startup America and other conferences and groups trying to help launch the next big thing, I’ve been thinking about how to pitch a startup. Last week the Launch Conference was held in Santa Monica, CA as one of those events helping startups. It was organized by Jason Calacanis. While there was a lot of hype around the event and everyone waiting to see various startups pitching at the conference to an awesome group of investors one startup pitch stood out over the rest. That one startup pitch was by domo. You can watch the video below.

The domo startup pitch video reminds me of the GrocerEye winning pitch from the Founder Conference 2010. Take a look.

This brings me to the thought process about pitching a startup to investors. Earlier today Jason retweeted about how @GreenGoose raised $100K in 3 minutes while pitching at the Launch Conference. You can watch the GreenGoose video here. Was the GreenGoose startup outrageous or over the top? No, but they had a really good demo and product.

How to raise $100K in 3 minutes – video: Brian Krejcarek @GreenGoose did just that. #launch #l11 Thanks @jasonWed Mar 02 01:48:44 via bitly

What do you think? How to pitch a startup; should you be really good or really outrageous or both?