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31 must read articles from the week that Google dominated the tech news


I almost called this post “This week in Google” but wow, Google had a very busy week. It seems almost every day Google was either announcing something new or updating a few of their products. Google is closing out 2010 with a bang! So far, a new phone (Nexus S), a new Chrome OS, a Book Store and more. If you missed any of the Google news, here’s a recap: 31 must read articles from the week that Google dominated the tech news.

  1. See how the World Searched with Google’s 2010 Zeitgeist
  2. How the World Googled in 2010
  3. Gmail for Android: better Priority Inbox support and improved compose
  4. Introducing Google Message Continuity, powered by Postini
  5. Desktop version of Google Docs now works on iPad
  6. Tips & Tricks: More options for mobile editing on the the iPad
  7. Google Testing New Location-Based Marketing Platform in Portland
  8. Touch Our Stickers With Your Phone, Google Says
  9. Trailblazing in Portland
  10. Why the Nexus S has NFC – Google Places window stickers are NFC enabled
  11. Google Markets HotPot In Portland & Breaks Its Own Rules On Local Reviews
  12. What Social Signals Do Google & Bing Really Count?
  13. Cr48 - Pilot-Program - Chrome OS

  14. Two Days After Unveiling, Cr-48 Chrome Notebook Already Showing Up On Doorsteps
  15. Google launches pilot program for the Cr-48 Chrome Notebook
  16. Google Hits ‘Send’ On Priority Inbox For Android’s Gmail App
  17. Marissa Mayer’s Next Big Thing: “Contextual Discovery” — Google Results Without Search at at LeWeb ’10
  18. Tracked Down: Google Just Quietly Launched An Official Latitude iPhone App
  19. TechCrunch CONFIDENTIAL! Looks Like “Google +1″ Was Just Accidentally Revealed (Pic)Google Books
  20. Google eBookstore Goes Live with 3 Million Titles
  21. Google launches new version of Google Groups
  22. Chrome Browser, Now Used By 120 Million People, Just Cranked Up Its Speed
  23. ReadWriteWeb’s ChromeOS Review: It’s Cheap, Fast, Disposable & Frustrating
  24. Google Host Chrome Event to announce Chrome OS, Web Store, And Google Cr-48 Chrome Notebook
  25. Google announced Google Cloud Print Beta
  26. Google Maps for Andriod will have the ability to see 3D buildings and more
  27. Google Says Priority inbox is working and more time saving features are in the works
  28. YouTube Increases Upload Time Limit Even More
  29. Nexus S Revealed: This is the Android Phone You’ve Been Waiting For
  30. Google Wave Will Live On As Apache Wave
  31. New: Google “Reading Level” Search Filter
  32. Groupon Turn down Google’s $6 billion offer

What an amazing week for Google. Congrats to the Google team. Did I miss any other Google News from the week?