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Google releases new smartphone data showing how everything is going mobile

79% of top advertisers don’t have a mobile optimized website

79% of top advertising don't have a mobile optimized website


Today google is hosting a webinar called “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users” at 11am PST/ 2pm EST (Registration link). Promoting the webinar google published a blog post with a lot of data showing how everything is going mobile. One stat not included in the text of the post but in the promotional video was that 79% of top advertisers don’t have a mobile optimized website” which is kinda of shocking to me. It’s 2011 and you know how big the mobile/smartphone market is, so what are you waiting for? Contact me if you need help.

Other important mobile data from the Smartphone user study shows mobile movement under way post:

  • 74% of smartphone shoppers make a purchase, whether online, in-store, or on their phones
  • 95% of smartphone users have looked for local information
  • 72% use their smartphones while consuming other media, with a third while watching TV
  • 88% of these users take action within a day, indicating these are immediate information needs
  • 71% search on their phones because of an ad exposure, whether from traditional media (68%) to online ads (18%) to mobile ads (27%)


Here’s the google video providing more mobile data insights.

via Smartphone user study shows mobile movement under way – Google Mobile Ads Blog.