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What location-based services, brands and marketers need to know from 11 tweets of #GEOChat one

Yesterday kicked off the first #GEOChat about all things location on Twitter. It started at 2:00 P.M. EST and lasted to 3:00 P.M. During #GEOChat I asked four different questions and received a lot of great feedback from location-based fanboys/ladies and a few from existing location platforms such as Pegshot and TriOut. You can read a full archive of #GEOChat via the TriOut blog here: #GEOChat one Archive .

Below are the four questions I asked during #GEOChat:
1. Who’s using Facebook Places as their primary location-based service?
2. What is your number one concern about privacy using location-based apps & what apps has the best privacy features?
3. What will drive the success of location-based services in the future? Gaming or group buying or coupons and why?
4. What features not in your favorite location-based service you would like to see implemented?

There were a lot of great tweets/feedback from the #GEOChat participates and if I was location-based service, brand or an agency I would pay close attention to what users are saying about the location space. Here are a few highlighted tweets from #GEOChat.

What I want is real-time, geo-specific, personally-relevant information (content) about what’s happening around me #geochat @MomentFeedTue Aug 24 18:26:22 via TweetDeck

A3: Gaming is only sustainable for a small subset. Discount promos and long-term customer engagement will drive growth. #geochatTue Aug 24 18:29:04 via TweetDeck

Consumers don’t care about the app or technology. They care only about the value and relevance of the deal! #geochatTue Aug 24 18:31:47 via TweetChat

I anticipate a tradeoff Privacy for Relevance via mobile shopping. Mobile banking will change the meaning of loyalty #geochatTue Aug 24 18:51:19 via TweetDeck

@waynesutton I’d like to be able to private message people on Foursquare via the Android app. Don’t think I can do that now. #geochatTue Aug 24 18:57:32 via TweetDeck

I’ve seen many of my non-tech friends trying Facebook Places where they hadn’t used any other LBS before #geochatTue Aug 24 18:05:17 via TweetDeck

@HarrisonPainter @ripsup and value for the masses is discounts, coupons or cash rewards…virtual “dukedoms” only lasts for so long #geochatTue Aug 24 18:57:40 via TweetDeck

@waynesutton Places is pretty lame as is IMHO, I don’t plan on using it. Will stick with @gowalla, @foursquare, and of course @trioutTue Aug 24 18:08:37 via TweetDeck

Q5 biggest “features” missing from LBS? real value, non-gimmickable need, 1000 more experiments to see what sticks #geochatTue Aug 24 19:00:34 via Seesmic twhirl

RT @AsifRKhan Brands need to think LBS in the context of a multi-channel media buy that’s location-centric. #geochat [savvy guy]Tue Aug 24 19:01:44 via Tweetie for Mac

Q1: Foursquare is still my primary LBS. Facebook’s “places” database isn’t as accurate. #geochatTue Aug 24 18:06:01 via TweetChat

@waynesutton Shopkick has carved out a nice niche. But it will be limited by implementation & adoption. Still powerful #geochatTue Aug 24 18:52:38 via TweetDeck

Again, thank you to everyone who participated. Next week we’re going to cover a slew of new location-based apps, QR Codes and mobile coupons during #GEOChat.

Looking for more location-based conversations on Twitter? @LBSchat will be starting this Thursday at 9:00 P.M. and/or join us for #GEOChat two next Tuesday.