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Friday Fix: 10 random ways to use social media with examples

Flickr Photo Download: Social Media Camp 2009 - Tools and methods of Social Media
Photo via: deanmeyersnet

Here’s a list of 10 random ways to use social media.

1. Non-profit:
Raise awareness using a twitter hashtag for social change, example #atlfloods

2. Entertainment
Sell music directly to listeners via blog, iTunes, twitter, and social networks – example Radiohead

3. Business to Business ( B2B )
Video blogging web hosting channel to market services to sell cloud server based hosting solutions – example RackSpace / Building43 / Robert Scoble

4. Business to Consumer (B2C)
Starbucks & Dell — need I say more … Customers forum feedback forum (ideastorm)

5. Real-Estate
Using location based social networks like Brightkite and Whrrl to show new house listing to new buyers.

6. Selling T-Shirts inside social networks
Threadless Facebook store

7. Customer Service:
Using Twitter to respond to complaints about internet & TV service: @comcastcares

8. Recruiting, hiring & looking for jobs
Both @capstrat & @IntegratedAV are accepting resumes and looking for employees via Twitter

9. To sell soft drinks and launch a new brand / flavor
Mountain Dew’s Dew Labs 12 seconds video contest

10. Conference planning:
Social Media Business Forum (plug)
Using Eventbrite, EventBee or Facebook to plan events and RSVP attendees.

There are really endless ways to use social media but you have to remember to start off with a goal and measure the success of your social media efforts. Measuring and establishing content strategy goals are a few services that I provide to my clients.

What are some that you have seen or done?