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Friday Fix: Five FriendFeed Friends to Follow, I mean Subscribe to, the guys edition

TGIF everyone, this week’s Friday Fix post is dedicated to FriendFeed and if you been listening to my podcast (Talk Social News) then you’ll know that I’m becoming a big fan of the site and excited about it’s future. But like most social networks when you create an account, add your avatar and then you start looking for a few friends to connect with. For FriendFeed I suggest the following guys below: Louis Gray, Rahsheen, Jeffisageek, Bwana and Robert Scoble, especailly if you’re interested in technoogly, social media, online video, blogging, web 2.0 or just a geek who likes to stay current with the latest tech news.
Silicon Valley early adopter, tech geek blogger, and dad w/twins
Shirt is off. Camera on. What shall I Like and Comment on?
just a geek on the interwebs. live in the kansas city, mo area in the united states. love all things geek, tech, social media, friendfeed.
You’ll find Bwana all over the web talking about the things he enjoys with technology. Jacksonville, FL, Earth.
Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
A geek who grew up in Silicon Valley and loves talking technology at . I’m also the troublemaker @ for Rackspace.
You can find me on FriendFeed here: and next weeks Friday Fix will the ladies edition of  Five FriendFeed Friends to Follow.
Who do you suggest to subscribe to on FriendFeed? Do you think real time services like FriendFeed is the future of the web?