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How to use Twittie for the mac. It’s fast, one column & awesome. Twitter after Oprah & what’s makes a great Tinyurl service – episode 018


Today on Talk Social News we review Twittie @twittie for the mac it’s fast, simple & awesome. Plus Twitter after Oprah (@Oprah) & what’s makes a great Tinyurl service like &

The Video:

Tweetie is made by atebits Loren Brichter @atebits.

Tweetie Review and Screencast:

Tweetie is free to download and will be ad supported. To remove the ads, Tweetie’s registration will cost you $14.95 (2 week introduction price, after two weeks it will cost $19.95). More information here:

@Atebits announces Tweetie for the mac is available to download 7:00 am EST

The podcast:
Talk Social News daily 018 – length 10:00 download or click to play:[audio:talksocialnewsdaily018.mp3] Subscribe to podcast in iTunes: talk social news itunes subscribe

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