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Stumbleupon says goodbye to eBay & what is the future of commerce online? Hint: Get glue

Today on Talk Social News we discuss the effect of stumbleupon saying goodbye to eBay & what is the future of ecommerce? Hint: Get Glue! We also laid out a plan for ebay to survive and how craigslist changed buying and selling online..

Get Glue: The Network That Sticks With You
Glue is a contextual network that uses semantic technology to automatically connect people around books, music, movies and other everyday things on popular sites around the web. It brings Facebook Connect and Twitter Friends to all popular pages about books, movies, music, and more.

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Talk Social News daily 015 – length 20:00 download or click to play:[audio:talksocialnewsdaily015.mp3] Subscribe to podcast in iTunes: talk social news itunes subscribe

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