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Diggbar win or fail, @GaryVee book deal, HARO is 1, social media jobs & the return of Ghostbusters – episode #007

Talk Social News Daily 008: topics: Diggbar win or fail, @GaryVee book deal, HARO is 1, social media jobs & the return of Ghostbusters? – episode #007

Today’s show topics:
Diggbar win or fail: Story
Gary Vaynerchuk 7 figure book deal: Stor
Peter Shankman’s Help a reporter out (HARO) 1yr annivarsary
Social media jobs spotlight
The return of Ghostbusters and Men in Black? Story

The Video:

The podcast:
Talk Social News daily 008 – length 9:50 download or click to play:[audio:talksocialnewsdaily008.mp3] Subscribe to podcast in iTunes: talk social news itunes subscribe