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Content Strategy FTW video & presentation from Kristina Halvorson @halvorson talk at SXSW

Content Strategy for the Web Photo by Warren Parsons

One of the most anticpated talks I was looking forward to at SXSW was by Kristina Halvorson @halvorson called Content Strategy FTW . I first heard Kristina speak at FOWA a year ago and I knew she would “crush it” at SXSW. A few of my NC friends such as Kipp Bodnar, Jeff Cohen and Jim Tobin attended the session as well and “over heard” how I thought Kritian’s session would rock and she didn’t disappoint us. Jim even wrote a great recap of here session called:Content Strategy is Much More than Web Copywriting: More SxSW Notes.

During her session I sat on the front row with my Macbook Pro and a usb webcam to live stream her talk. It’s a little shaky but I think well worth a listen if you’re in the content strategy/blogging/writing for the web business. Below is the video and her slides from Content Strategy FTW session at SXSW.

The SXSW Video. FYI it’s via the lap cam. 🙂

Also check out Kristian’s book called Content Strategy
Content Strategy Book-6

*Discloser: No this is not a sponsored post. I just recognize awesome when I see awesome.