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Comment Policy

This site provides the opportunity for visitors to communicate in the public domain through visitor-submitted, published comments. The nature inherent in online dialog raises significant questions in the areas of privacy, responsibility, and ownership of data related to these published conversations.

It is our belief that you deserve to know your rights and responsibilities as a commenter on this site. You also deserve to know our rights, responsibilities, and intentions as site owner(s) with regards to the comment-related data you freely provide. Consequently, this Comment Policy governs your responsibilities and discloses our intent with your comment data.

If you are unsure what something means, please ask. Contact information is available at the bottom of the Comment Policy.


This site is intended for teenagers or older. The minimum required age for participation on this site is 13 years old.


Commenters have the right to be presented with age-appropriate dialog and treated with both common courtesy and respect. If you believe this right has been violated, please notify the site owner(s). Conversely, commenters are expected interact with age-appropriate dialog and to treat others with common courtesy and respect.


Site owner(s) reserve the right to edit, delete, suspend, or publish comment data solely at their discretion.


Comment data related to your real identity, such as name, URL, and email address will never be shared, bartered, or sold to third parties.


Commenters are required to use their real identities to leave comments on the site.


Comment data is used for the express purpose of allowing visitors to participate in visible, public discussion on this site, and nothing else.

License to Publish

Commenter grants site owner(s) a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and non-exclusive license to use comment data in any form of published work or performance including, but not limited to, web sites, digital eBooks, print, audio, video, live and broadcast events.

Legal Indemnity

Commenters agree to “hold harmless” site owners and authors from any and all legal repercussions, damages, and liabilities perceived to have been caused by participating in this site’s online conversations.


If you have questions about this comment policy, please contact the site owner.


Creative Commons License by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at