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Comic – A simple lesson about location-based applications and privacy from Batman and Robin.

This is too funny especially if you’re a location-based services fan and love a good comic. Batman tells Robin to stop checking into the Batcave on FourWhere. Ironically Fourwhere is an actual product made by the guys at Sysomos.

To the Batcave

Tip: GreggVM

Although the comic is funny, it is a simple reminder about privacy using location-based applications to check-in such as Foursquare, TriOut, Whrrl, Gowalla, loopt and the many others. Basically don’t check-in at your home base or other places where you don’t want people to find you or a secret place. I think this may be my new meme when speaking about location-based apps and privacy, “Don’t check-in at the Batcave!”

Do you check-in at home using location-based applications?