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Announcing Team North Carolina for Chevrolet Social Media Road Trip to SXSW #ChevySXSW


Can you say road trip! That’s right folks, Chevrolet looking to take advantage of social media by having teams from eight cities blog and participate in 50 challenges on the way to Austin, TX for SXSW. The cites included are San Diego, Detroit, Lansing, Chicago, Atlanta, South Florida, North Carolina and New York. I’ll be joining NC team North Carolina which includes:

Jason Keath @jakroseTwitter
Nicole D’Alonzo @nikisnotesNicole D'Alonzo (NikisNotes) on Twitter
Ryan Boyles  @theRab. Ryan Boyles (theRab) on Twitter
Wayne Sutton @WayneSutton Wayne Sutton (waynesutton) on Twitter

Here’s more information about Chevrolet’s SXSW Road Trip Challenge via GM’s FastLane Blog:
Here’s how it works: starting today and running through February 28th, we’re asking you to submit your ideas to @chevrolet on Twitter, or to, of the challenges you’d like to see the eight teams complete on their trip. We’re selecting 10 tasks from each of five different categories: Charity (ex: stop at an animal shelter and walk the dogs), Collection (ex: collect a sample of water from a famous body of water near you), Physical Challenge (ex: climb a rock wall, or stuff your trunk full of balloons), Interaction (ex: meet up w/one of your followers and give them a test drive, or get a group of people to sing a famous song, flash-mob style), and Digital Image (ex: take a photo of a cactus or rock that looks uncannily like one of your team members). We’ll take our favorite 45 ideas that come in to @chevrolet or to the teams involved, and make them required missions for the teams on the road trip. (We’re going to pick one challenge for each category ourselves; hey, it’s our promotion, so we get to pick at least one, right?) On March 8, when the teams are starting to head off to Austin, we’ll reveal the 50 missions – and then you get to follow along and see how they’re doing!

Over the next few weeks here on (FastLane/Chevy’s Facebook page), we’ll be profiling each of the eight teams competing in this road trip challenge so you can get to know the contestants a little better. Since the teams are going to be collecting ideas for challenges from their fans and followers as well, you’re going to want to keep a close eye on them on Twitter in the next few weeks to get a sense of the kinds of things they’re coming up with. Here are the eight teams and their captains’ Twitter IDs:

  • Team Detroit: Henry Balanon (@balanon)
  • Team Lansing: Betsy Weber (@betsyweber)
  • Team San Diego: (link) (@brassfield )
  • Team Chicago: Tim Jahn (@TimJahn)
  • Team Atlanta: Tessa Horehled (@tessa)
  • Team North Carolina: Jason Keath (@jakrose)
  • Team South Florida Tammy Camp (@tammycamp)
  • Team New York Brian Simpson (@rshotel)
  • Jason Keath is our team captain and we’re excited about the opportunity to work with Chevrolet @chevrolet / Christopher Barger @cbarger and to the other teams good luck but team North Carolina will win!