My life has changed tremendously the last 30 days. In order; I came out about my struggle with depression,…
There was a time I wanted to change the world. I tried to change the tech industry. Now I just want to change my thinking
During President Obama eight years of being President of the United States of America I had the opportunity…
It wasn’t until 2015 I embraced that I was an introvert. My coming out was on Facebook. In 2016 I started to process the emotions of an introvert. I began to understand the “why I’m feeling this way and what I can do about being an introvert.
I stood on the scale today. My body said it’s time. My mind said stop avoiding it. I was nervous, but I couldn’t avoid it anymore. I physically fill like ?.. I’m at my heaviest weight in six years. 2016 got me!
2016 taught me that I could hope, only to be slowly crushed by a thousand paper cuts. 2016 showed me I could work towards change but continue to fill a pinch of pain constantly breaking me. Now I have a choice. I can choose to focus on the pain or can focus on healing. I choose to fight back. 2016 also showed me the pain can make me stronger.
A term introduced by the psychologist Carl Jung to describe a person whose motives and actions are directed…