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Announcing – The Best Building Resources For Technology Entrepreneurs, Daily

Originally posted on: BuildUp Blog

At BuildUp we’re passionate about “building”, hence the name, BuildUp. We encourage founders and developers to build MVPs, iterate fast and release often. With that being said, we’re happy to announce BUILDBox by BUILDUP.

BUILDBox curates the best building resources for technology entrepreneurs, daily..

We look for the best developer resources, design resources, links, videos, frameworks, hacks, icons and inspirational articles for entrepreneurs. We’re also big fans of new mobile apps, themes, PSDs, tech events and technology products builders find useful. Entrepreneurs can up vote their favorite resource after logging in and creating a profile. If you prefer to receive a daily recap of resources in your email inbox from BUILDBox you can subscribe to the newsletter. BUILDBox was inspired by Hackernews and we like to think of it as “ProductHunt meets Launch Ticker” for Technology Entrepreneurs who love to build.

BUILDBox is built using the MeteorJS , a complete open source platform for building web and mobile apps in pure JavaScript. Along with using the Telescope community framework, hacked with with Bootstrap and designed by Wayne Sutton.

As our goal is to find the best building resources daily! We know we can’t do it alone, therefore we’re asking fellow entrepreneurs and developers to sign up and submit resources they find useful. Popular Resources will be approved. You can also suggest a link by sending us a tweet @buildboxapp.

Another goal for BUILDBox is to connect companies that are looking for amazing talent. If you’re hiring we would love to feature your job listing on our Jobs page.  Email us at for more information on how to list your position. If you’re looking for work fill out our form here and we’ll do our best to connect you with a company in our network.

We’re looking forward to helping more developers and entrepreneurs build world changing solutions with BUILDBox.

Just in case if you were wondering what does BUILDBOx stands for. BUILDBox stands for, BUILDING resources in your email inbox.  Be sure to visit the about page to learn more.


Below are some screenshots of BUILDBox.



buildbox submit


Also BUILDBox works great on mobile devices!

Photo Oct 29, 11 05 30 AMbuidlbox mobile