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Brands gone mobile: Walmart, Geico and Gucci, new in the app store

Tonight while looking in the Apple itunes app store under the new section I noticed a few apps that I haven’t read about being released in the app store yet. Those apps are: Walmart, Geico and Gucci.

While I didn’t buy none of the apps, as if I did you would see a better screenshot below, I did find it interesting and just a sign of the times as we become more mobile, that we’ll see major brands move to the app store. Especially with the recent news from Ebay and Open Table about the success of their iPhone apps.

My question is, what took them so long? 🙂

PS: This is my first blog post using the new WordPress 2.0 app for the iPhone. I wanted to test it out too.

What are some other major brands you have seen in the app store and what are some you wish you would see that are not there yet?