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BlogWorld: Time Management Strategies for Social Media, guest notes from @JasonPeck & @DJwaldow

Guest BlogWorld Expo 2009 notes post from Jason Peck and DJ Waldow

 Jason Peck

Jason Peck @jasonpeck

Social media manager at @eWayDirect.

BlogWorld Expo 2009 Session:
Fitting It All In: Time Management Strategies for Social Media

Amber Naslund

Get organized, figure out where to spend your time
have tangible goals
netvibes – good way to build a dashboard for listening – twitter search, socialmention, boardtracker, google alerts, addictomatic
spend time on 2-3 tools that are valuable – don’t go chasing all of them
measuring and analyzing – it’s a must

social media maturity
Passive – listening 80%, 20% measuring
Responsive – monitoring, responding, measuring
Engaged – monitoring, research, initiating, responding, measuring
Creating – monitoring, research, initiating, responding, measuring and creating

allocating resources
listening – 1 person, 10-15 hrs per week
engaging, initiating, creating – 1-3 team members, 1-3 hrs per day
measuring – 1 person, 5-10 hrs per week

Managing disruptions – turn off twitter, turn off email


DJ Waldow @djwaldow Director of Community @BlueSkyFactory

1. Limit # of SM monitoring tools
2. Turn email off for a few hours a day. Don’t reply immediately
3. Get a task management program and USE IT. “Think” for Mac
-Pick 3 things you must accomplish and do nothing else until they are done
-Pick the ugliest one first
4. Routines
-Sit down for 2 hrs/day, 5 days a week and focus on blogger (or whatever)
-Allocate blocks of time
5. Give yourself permission to forget – read something and write it down.
6. Unplug – take your offline time
7. Pick a finite number of items to respond to and stick with it. It’s okay to not reply to everything. Get over it.

Amber’s presentation:

Amber’s blog post about Social Media Time Management

How do you manage your time using social media?