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Raleigh SEO discusses Content Strategy FTW

Last night I attended a SEO meetup in Raleigh, NC led by Phil Buckley (@1918). Some of Phil’s notes were from Kristina Halvorson‘s book and presentations on content strategy. As the session was wrapping up I mentioned how I have live video stream Kristian’s SXSW talk, so I decided to repost it. It’s a great presenation for the experienced or beginner blogger or indiviuals repsonsible for creating a content stratgy for clients. Also for a recap of the SEO meetup read Stacey Alexander‘s (@Stacey_Alex) recap post Creating a Content Strategy for SEO.

Content Strategy for the Web Photo by Warren Parsons

Content Strategy FTW video & presentation from Kristina Halvorson halvorson presenation at SXSW 2009

During her session I sat on the front row with my Macbook Pro and a usb webcam to live stream her talk. It’s a little shaky but I think well worth a listen if you’re in the content strategy/blogging/writing for the web business. Below is the video and her slides from Content Strategy FTW session at SXSW.

The SXSW Video. FYI it’s via the lap cam. 🙂

Also check out Kristian’s book called Content Strategy
Content Strategy Book-6