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Your Friday Fix: 3 Reasons to use a location based social network (Brightkite)

waynesutton's Visited Places -

I just returned from a trip to Atlanta, GA for the Mashable/Regator Mixer along with my one of my business partners Jeff Cohen (@dgtlpapercuts  It was one of those “Social Media Hustle Road trips and we used Brightkite to track our journey. While on the way back we stopped in Charlotte, NC to catch the end of REbarcamp (Real Estate Barcamp ) and had a mini conversation about how realtors could use location based social networks like Brightkite. Part of my response was an example of how realtors could take pictures of houses for sale and let their contacts on other social networks see what properties are available now that Brightkite integrates with Facebook, flickr, fireeagle and twitter all with one simple update (check-in).

Also here’s 3 reasons to use Brightkite from a guest post that Kipp Bodnar (@kbodnar32 and I wrote for Louis Gray @louisgray about Brightkite.

  1. Building Your Digital Footprint
  2. Integration with Your Existing Social Media Workflow
  3. Facilitate Face-to-Face Communications

You can read the full post here: BrightKite: If You Think Your Life Is Boring, You’re Missing The Point

If you’re a Brightkite user how do you use it?