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My Number 1 Goal For 2015 – Be Consistent

be consistent in 2015

be consistent in 2015

As we kick off 2015 many people start off with New Year’s Resolutions or a list of goals/aspirations to keep for year. It’s usually everything from losing weight, saving money etc. As for me, over the past couple of years I’ve been literally bit, by bit “mind hacking” myself to become a better, smarter, healthier person. I’ve started reading more, started mediating, eating healthier and working out. My behavior has changed from not a “Resolution” but a life style.

I believe that’s what many people hope to achieve when they make up their New Yea’s Resolutions. They want to make new habits to become better. Even though I’ve improved over the last couple of years, I know I can do better. A lot better. As I think about how to become better and what I need to add to my work and personal “mind hacking”, I think back to what Pete Cashmore told me at SXSW in his early years of launching Mashable. Pete credits being consistent to the success of Mashable. Pete blogged everyday until he was able to hire a team, make Mashable one of the top blogs in the world and the rest is history.

That’s my goal for 2015, is to “Be Consistent“! Be Consistent at what’s important to me, (health, creating wealth, learning, time) and be consistent in various task that it takes to be reach my goals with BUILDUP, (writing, reading, meetings, emails, networking, partnerships, etc).

Here’s to a “Consistent” 2015!

What is your number one goal for 2015?