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And the winner is . . . Photo caption contest results

Yesterday, I held a caption contest for the photo below here on and I received over 35 comments (minus my own). Some were pretty funny and some were so not me. Even though I can see where they are coming from in the comments with the big “pimp” hat. To see all of the comments view the original post here: Caption contest! What was I thinking?

Wayne Sutton, Pimp, originally uploaded by Andy Ciordia.

The photo was taken at Social Fresh, a social media conference organized by Jason Keath in Charlotte, NC. Andy Ciordia @Ciordia9 snapped the photo but I can’t remember what I was thinking at the time.

It was interesting that most of comments came from FriendFeed, either way my top three favorite comments where:
pat said:
i have called this press conference to announce that i am no longer social wayne. from this point forward i shall be known as “super-fly” social wayne.

Eric Miltsch said:
“I bet I can update my Brightkite location without anyone noticing…”

Wardell said:
I’m talkin’ bout tweetin’ since been tweetin’ since been tweetin’!

And the winner is…

pat said:
i have called this press conference to announce that i am no longer social wayne. from this point forward i shall be known as “super-fly” social wayne.

Congrats Pat, I’ll be contacting you soon with an iTunes gift card coupon. A big thanks to everyone who left a comment.