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After copying Foursquare leaderboard & badges, Yelp’s dukedom & kingship may be working

I’m sure by now you know you can become the mayor or a keyholder of a location but did you know you could become the king of a city? If you’re a Yelp user and become the top user for the city by checking in, you will be number 1 on Yelp’s leaderboard and be the king! For those of you who are can’t check-in enough to at various places, don’t worry you’ll collect dukedoms until you can over throw the king.

After seeing the trend and the success of implementing a gaming system into location based services Yelp added the check-in feature along with a leaderboad and badges to their iPhone app. But unlike being the mayor of a location like Foursquare with Yelp you collect or become dukedoms until you’re the king. It’s a different knights of the round table twist but basically the same

For many of the newer location-based apps they are adding badges and rewards for their users and it all make sense after seeing the success like Foursquare and @TriOut (plug). With Yelp’s existing community and now adding the kingship titles I think it’s a good fit for Yelp. They saw an opportunity to make their service fun and competitive by not over doing it or confusing their existing users.

What are your thoughts on Yelp’s implantation of the check-in and leaderboad model?

Do you know the king of your city?

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Exchange Plaza,Raleigh,United States