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AddThis Celebrates 5 years of Sharing with social data infographic

Last week AddThis which I use here on celebrated five years. To celebrate AddThis released the infographic below that captures some of the data they learned about sharing over the last half decade.

Sharing facts
Address bar sharing (cutting and pasting a URL into an email) is 10X larger than any other type of sharing (i.e. Like button)
Sharing data in one week outpaces what the Hubble Telescope collected in its first 20 years
Peak engagement with shared content happens 2 mins after a share.
Most content is shared at 9:30 in the mornings, and on Wednesdays.
AddThis was viewed approximately 2.86 billion times last Monday. If each user viewed the page they visited for at least a second, that’s over 90 collective years of human attention that Clearspring saw that day alone.

Among most shared content in 2011
What if Everyone Saw This Facebook Status:
Dog Mourns at Casket of Navy SEAL: (shared tens of thousands of times and clicked hundreds of thousands of times; many of the shares and clicks were thru copy/paste in the address bar)