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7 Closing Call To Action Formats Writers Use on Medium


As I have decided to write more in 2016, I have been publishing my articles here on my blog ( and reposting the articles the next day on Medium (@WayneSutton). Medium is a publication platform that’s let’s anyone tell long or short stories. It seems everyone is writing on Medium from journalists, marketers, and old school bloggers. Startups are using Medium for press releases and press kits. The White House is using Medium to keep the world updated on current actives.

Just last week I read the Medium article “I gave up on Facebook and replaced it with Medium” which highlights the benefits of reading content on Medium vs. the various content and distractions on the social network Facebook.

Like Facebook though Medium has social networking elements where users can follow “authors,” journalist, writers, etc. Medium also allows users to create publications that people can follow.

With Medium continuing to establish itself as a content publication platform with a hybrid open and closed social follow model we’re seeing various ways users are cross promoting their social networking profiles. Medium as a platform is designed for topical referrals to increase articles exposure via the related articles feature. In addition, to related articles Medium allows readers to like a post and bookmark a post to read it later. Both the like and bookmark feature allows Medium to create a platform that is algorithmically designed to display the best content to users based on their engagement and interest.

For writers and bloggers alike Medium makes it super easy to add media and links with a one line content editor. While the design style of big content photos at the top of the post was pre-Medium, Medium made it cool.

When writing the general rule of marketing is close out your story with a call to action. The call to action could be a link to buy a product, sign-up for a newsletter, a question to make your readers leave a comment, sign-up for a site or a request to follow on a social network.  For Medium, some writers get creative with prominent social media icons while others use animated gifs to encourage readers to like their post. Other authors close out their Medium post with short bios which are almost like author profiles in WordPress.

Here’s a look at 7 Closing Call To Action Formats Writers Use on Medium:


1. The Recommend Mouse Animated Gif

Via How I Quit My Job and Built My First App on Medium.


2. The Heart Icon and Subscribe to My Newsletter Format

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P.S. If you enjoyed my article, please consider joining my mailing list, where I share the lessons I am learning building my 5th company, or subscribing to my podcast.

via How To Become A Learning Machine: My Tips For Reading More on Medium.


3. The Big Icons Call To Action Format

Epic Forms on Medium post


via Saijo George


4. I Am  A Writer and Author Format

Jeff Goins writes at on the creative process. He is also the author of four books, including the national bestseller The Art of Work. To get more tips on creativity and business, join his free newsletter.

via Want to Get Paid for Your Passion? Do This First on Medium


5. More Links To Free Stuff Format

Check out my other stuff:

Free Resources for Startups, and Entrepreneurs List on Medium.

Startup ideas that you can use to change the world

via 700+ Free Stuff on The Internet on Medium


6. The Hand  and  Heart Format

Chris reads every response on Medium or reply on Twitter, so don’t hesitate to let him know what you think — do tag your tweets with #ConvComm. 

☞ To hear from the author in the future, sign up for his newsletter or follow him on Twitter.

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via 2016 will be the year of conversational commerce


7. The Plain Text Recommend and Follow Us Format

If you enjoyed this piece, click the “Recommend” button below. For more pieces from The Billfold, follow us on our page, or on Facebook or Twitter.

via A Story of a Fuck Off Fund on Medium


As you can tell I’ve been thinking about each format. For the call action format on and Medium. I’m going with the format below.

Wayne Sutton writes on entrepreneurship, startups, and diversity and inclusion in tech at and is a co-founder at Tech Inclusion.  You follow Wayne on Twitter,  Facebook or LinkedIn.

For the best articles on entrepreneurship, diversity and inclusion in tech, startups, and innovation sign up for TheAccess, Wayne’s weekly newsletter.

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If you have seen other creative Medium call-to-action closings, please share in the comments.