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57 Startup Lessons – #27 and #28 – Features and Paying Customers

Slava Akhmechet, wrote a great article called the 57 startup lessons. As I’ve been building PitchTo lessons number 27 and 28 really hit home about choosing features and will people pay for the service or those features. I agree with Slava’s 27 and 28 point.

27. Ask two questions for every product feature. Will people buy because of this feature? Will people not buy because of lack of this feature? No amount of the latter will make up for lack of the former. Don’t build features if the answer to both questions is “no”.

28. Build a product people want to buy in spite of rough edges, not because there are no rough edges. The former is pleasant and highly paid, the latter is unpleasant and takes forever.

You can read the entire list here.


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