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5 Signs During The First Week of 2016 Our Work In Diversity In Tech Is Working

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[dropcap]It’s[/dropcap] week one of 2016 and there are clear signs of hope for a true diverse and inclusive tech workforce and entrepreneurship ecosystem. I know it’s early and we are really still at ground zero but we can have hope…right?

Just last month(December) Forbes published a report titled “Why Diversity And Inclusion Will Be A Top Priority For 2016“. Part of the Forbes research concludes the following evidence:

  • McKinsey’s research shows that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers and ethnically-diverse companies are 35% more likely to do the same.
  • Catalyst research shows that companies with more women on the board statistically outperform their peers over a long period of time.
  • Deloitte Australia research shows that inclusive teams outperform their peers by 80% in team-based assessments.

By now you would think that most executives, investors and CEO’s would think it’s not only good business but common sense to why diversity and inclusion matters but they don’t. Still the work that the our team at Tech Inclusion and other organizations such as Model View Culture, Paradigm, Code2040, BlackFounders, BUILDUP, /dev/color, Coalition for Queens, Change Catalyst Alterconf and countless other individuals and programs are doing is starting to make a small dent in the tech ecosystem. Give yourselves a pat on the back, take a walk and come back because it’s just week one!

But for now let’s review some key news and announcements in week one of 2016 around diversity and inclusion in tech.

1. Intel Diversity Update at CES 2016 By the CEO Brian Krzanich

Intel’s new hires were 43 percent women and underrepresented minorities. The company tied the hiring to manager bonuses, and level beat its goal of 40 percent, Krzanich said. On top of that, he added, retention of women and underrepresented minorities is on par with that of non-diverse employees.

Source: VentureBeat

This matters because we’re still yet to see many CEOs speak and take action with accountability around diversity and inclusion

2. Galvanize and Atlassian Partnership – Galvanize and Atlassian Team Up to Provide $20k in Scholarships for Aspiring Developers focuses on Women and Underrepresented Individuals.
Source: Galvanize

We’re starting to see more organizations partner to provide education and access opportunities to women and underrepresented individuals. This is a great partnership. disclosure: Melinda Epler & I advise Galvanize on diversity and inclusion.

3. Pinterest Hires A New Head of Diversity, Candice Morgan

Candice Morgan head of diversity at Pinterest
Candice Morgan head of diversity at Pinterest

I’m declaring 2016 The Year of Diversity Managers. Tech Companies and CEOs will make the Diversity Managers the face of diversity at their organizations but it should be the CEO along leading the charge. Source: TechCrunch

4. Christina Morillo ‘s #WOCinTech “Women of color in tech photo shoot. Christina’s efforts to show more women of color in tech was featured on Recode.
Source: Recode

It’s great to see Christina work be highlighted so show to provide an opportunity to show more women of color in tech.

5. This selfie on the first Monday of 2016 at USA Today San Francisco Bureau.

@TheRealFreada @EricaJoy @6Gems @tristanwalker @fakerapper @makinde @chudson @BNicholson83
@TheRealFreada @EricaJoy @6Gems @tristanwalker @fakerapper @makinde @chudson @BNicholson83

The photo features: Freada Klein,Founder of Level Playing Field Institute, investor in social impact startups at Kapor Capital
Erica Baker, Build and Release Engineer at Slack Technologies, Inc
Kimberly Bryant Founder at BlackGirlsCode
Dr. Kortney Ryan Ziegle COO/cofounder of a tech startup transh4ck
‎Founding Executive Director at The Hidden Genius Project
Charles Hudson, Managing Partner @PrecursorVC
Tristan Walker founder & ceo of walker & company brands
Makinde Adeagbo Founder of @devcolororg. Engineer at @Pinterest
Wayne Sutton, Co-Founder of Tech Inclusion & BUILDUP

More on this later but it’s rare we’re all together.
Source: @WayneSutton


Post Photo by: WOCinTech Chat Women In Tech – 65 on flickr 


How do you see the diversity in tech conversation change in 2016?