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3 apps for easy iPhone mobile blogging

If you have noticed the text “Post From My iPhone” on a few of my post recently is because I have been using the BlogPress iPhone app to post with. BlogPress was one of the first iPhone blogging apps along with iBlogger, iWriter and soon afterwards came the WordPress iPhone app. Almost all four blogging iPhone apps support multiple blogging platforms such as blogger, WordPress, Typepad, Drupal and more.

My favorite is the WordPress app but it doesn’t always work with self-hosted WordPress blogs do to some XML-RPC error therefor I use the BlogPress app for mobile blogging. BlogPress may be my second favorite app but that doesn’t mean it’s lacking features. As a matter of fact it has some features that the WordPress iPhone doesn’t such as image resizing but according to WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg a new better version of WordPress for the iPhone is on the way soon after the release of the iPhone 3.0 OS.

In terms of mobile blogging with the iPhone it’s simple, select
a photo, type and post. My only disappointment so far is the lack of support for posting vidoes from within any of the blogging apps since the release of iPhone 3Gs. I see more apps making it easy to send video to Facebook and Twitter than I do to allow users to post video to your blog. But I hope that changes soon.

Either way if your good with your thumbs on your iPhone and don’t always have the time to blog from your computer, I suggest give WordPress, BlogPress or iBlogger a try.

What is your favorite iPhone blogging app?

— Post From My iPhone